Category Archives: Jakarta

Update! 26th July 2014

So…. what happened to Amanda?

a… actually I’m also unsure. 😀
Okay, I’m just kidding. It’s Amanda, how can Amanda be unsure of what happened to Amanda right. 😀 me and my rubbish. 😀

hmm… Been wanting to write this post since, May, late may, (school holiday in Jakarta’s Academic Year’s term) but dragged, went back to SG to visit, came back JKT aft Birthday and was straight on sling shot into the propelling activities of induction and conference. So pardon me.. *at least its up now right? *puppy eyes*

I’ve been here (Jakarta) for close to 10 months now. Its been fun, much exercising of freedom and control, gaining awareness and understanding single hood independence.

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