
Spent some time watching taiwan drama today. Reminds me of Attribution Theory and how couples have tiff, trust, got their trust broken, come back together again.

If Attribution theory is true, then God certainly has His ways in helping us human to maintain relationship.

Its been years since I last sat in-front of a monitor to watch drama for a long period of time.

To me its really just clever scripting with the attraction of emotional experiences and perhaps attractive looking cast. 😀
Whats the point of spending time on things that doesn’t benefit you beneficially?

Guess thats what that made us human. Being able to experience emotions.

Humans are naturally attracted to emotions.

The need to get involved is a result of emotions as well.

Would you rather make friend with someone who is super monotonous, boring or someone that makes you feel more often?

I choose the latter.

Be Bless

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