Was just sharing on facebook on how much I’ve enjoyed my 1st Salsa dance class, then I got reminded: Hey, I got blog, how come I didnt put it up on the blog?
Anyway, so here it is.
Here’s a video for you so at least you’ll know what I’m talking about.
That was about much that I learnt in that short short 1 hour session.
The basic step, and the turn at 4min+
The sister danced to the steps of a follower cos there were not enough brothers for this singles group on saturdays.
The basic step was easy once you get use to it.
The twirling on the other hand is alittle more challenging from my point of view. As in doing it individually.
That same twirling becomes much much more easier for me when the leader steps in.
Picture that twirling with one hand lift. So its kind of like being twirled by the other partner.
Its like “EuReKA!” The point is just to be twirled. Who cares about shifting to which leg, it just comes so naturally.
Was struggling with the steps until the instructor came in and played the role as a leader.
As I said on facebook, “Heads up, smile, look straight into the eyes. My my, I had so much fun. It was really good.”
🙂 *ThumBs Up!
I am looking forward to the next lesson already and we didnt even have the music yet.
We still have ChaCha to come.
They are taking away my Waltz, so unfair… *hmm…
anyway, Go do something that YOU will enjoy!
Be Bless

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