Category Archives: Jakarta

The Best We Know

Have you watch Glee Season 5, the episode entitled “Movin’ Out”?
I was very intrigued by Becky and her interaction with the special guy in that tour she went for.
See snippets below.

I think its very real, not just of the special people, but even of the normal people as well.
The form of interaction, sarcasm. She pretends that she didn’t like him. But its obvious, thats her entree to the kingdom of relationship.

and it just reminds me of how relationships work for normal people.
We do our best and react to situations as best as we could. Sometimes one of the ways is sarcasm.
Other times its sweetness and being dainty. For me, its critical analysis (and of course w the bullcrap detector on full-swing mode).



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I.T Guys

I’ve been meeting and interacting with a couple of guys from the IT industry these days. Those of position, not the data entry kind. (not that I’m belittling some, this distinction is necessary for the purpose of the entry). (although surprisingly, I.T Guys does not have a particular body type. They are either normal or overly plus)


So… one was really random, met on the plane ride, the other was currently the longest Indon-friend I have and another was from online. (and many others that aint exactly at the back of my mind).

I realise one thing, they are all overly stimulated. (So poor thing, not that its a bad thing, cos I am like that).

Because their line of work requires them to analyse perhaps massive data, and I would assume deal with codes and system flows at times.

That rolls into the effect of having the constant need for intellectual stimulation. (I do think they would talk nonsense too, just that I hadn’t had a taste of it yet).

That guy on the plane was super fidgety. We could be chatting and then lapse into a brief period of silence, and then there will be another come back not on the surface of a topic, but of content obviously from after analytics (could be of a new topic or the current topic). Other moments he will be touching the magazine, his passport, the food tray (which I’m guilty at times too) and well, doing other things that I didn’t notice as I probably would be asleep. 😀

and the other guy. He is the master of “Why”. Tracing downwards, getting to the roots. Spilling random facts, (trying) to proof that he is very knowledgeable. Intrigue you with new thoughts, sharing that he is reading this certain book, economics, politics, control, power, current situations. Its just… the whole time. I just laugh at him. The whole time.
😀 okay lar, got giggle and chuckle too.

and of course that longest-known-IT guy friend, I asked for verification, and he agrees, people in the IT line tend to analyse things a lot. 😀

I know right.

and I think if SG guys had it hard, Indon guys had it harder.

I jokingly agree with the longest-known-IT guy friend, that I should hang out with an IT guy. Let him provide the mental stimulation that I crave..




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Mr Peabody

Went to watch “12 Years A Slave” and “Mr Peabody and Shermon”.


I think Mr Peabody is awesome. and it correctly portrayed how a smart ass scientist (at least in my opinion) is.



Spilling facts


Problem solver


If you hear his speech, its non-participative most time.


I think its awesome.

Although its animation.

It has very nice storyline and visits many great historical events.


Am most importantly, Im becoming non-participative much too. 😀 (not saying I’m becoming a smart ass scientist).

Perhaps I’m just in my head a lot more. 😀


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Be Bless



So i’ve unpurposefully isolated myself. 😀
Just kidding,
I didn’t isolate myself, and neither were things done purposefully nor unpurposefully.

Considering I had enough interaction during the working hours, with the kids mainly, I appreciate the quietness that comes when.. I don’t input and output much.

Then came the tons of Ice Shaken Lemon Tea I’ve been drinking. and of course, the amount of money I’ve thrown into the Starbucks card.

Especially and mainly because, you guess it, the interaction I get from the exchange with the Baristas.



I only understood it recently that I would somehow bring myself to the SB nearby (like 3mins walk away) day in and day out to get that tea, not bcos I’m addicted to the tea, but because I look forward to that interaction with the Baristas.

Some days, its “Oh I want that Lemon taste to perk me up.”
Some days, its “I’m picking up groceries or breakfast, so hey, swing by.”
It just happens.

I took time to analyse the conversations and interaction, I came to this conclusion,
its that non-work, genuine smile, occasional sweet message on the cup (read successful marketing tactic enhanced by personal touch, as you can see from the photo above) that I went back for day in and day out.

Its especially because its non-committal, its non-consequential. Its a Hi, Weather talk/Acquaintance talk, Bye, thing.
Just nice for someone like me.

While I run away from extensive interactions, I run to this safe zone of communication. The duration, is the selection of the order, the processing of the payment, and that extra small talk when picking up that drink.

It intrigues me how understanding self becomes a coping mechanism. (I probably will be more messed up in the relationship department if not because of them). Its not necessary because the person is in a dire state thats why this was necessary, its simply bcos I’m a social creature. I am normal. (If the situation rings a bell, you are normal too, just not one of the larger crowd of norms).

OH and one thing I noticed about myself, or the my behaviour as a consequence of the situation(-as-a-whole), eye contact became an elusive act.
Because all these interactions are short and brief, including the dealings with the students, I don’t stay to maintain eye contact long enough. I had a verbal exchange with you, we understood each other, and we move on. Thats that.

Its like, “hey, what happened, why do I disregard eye contact these days. Yes, theres always that next thing to look towards, to glance over, but where did that sincerity in speech went to?”
Not that I wasn’t sincere, but I realise, it takes effort to maintain eye contact too. To stay and gaze, Interesting.

Begs the question, how long should a random conversation be? how long to show a person that you care?

For as long as both party is comfortable, I urge.



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Be Bless


Praise the Lord!!

😀 I wanted to start the post with a curse word previously, but well, thought I should change it around instead




In case you still didnt realize, I’m working in the education sector in Indonesia, Jakarta specifically. AND I am of a marriageable age. Pressing 30 now.

Yes, I posted plenty of post about marriage, choices, perspective, only short of the decoration of the ceremony and who is the man to be. 😀

okay, so this post is about the man to be.


Not that I have found any actually. Kinda hanging there, cos since I’m working towards the great woman behind the great man… Great man are really not that easy to find, or perhaps is just too busy to come find this great woman. 😀 Just kidding.


Anyway, so having been in the neighborhood of Indonesians… Generally non-english speaking, tan boys, I actually had a lot of thoughts. (Besides the idea that I totally open my eyes wide at Chinese boys when I go down the aisle of supermarkets in Singapore that is)


Its so much that I dont really know where to start.



  • The whole idea of marrying into a huge family scattered across states of Java and the different states of Indonesia
  • Or perhaps the parents pass and its a simpler story
  • So whats gonna happen if the man wants to come to Singapore and establish himself?
  • Whats gonna happen if the man prefers to stay in Indonesia?
  • Which country is my child gonna study in?
  • All that talk about advantage and privileges of mixed race
  • Am I ready for a taitai lifestyle (if it is to be)
  • Can my retirement plan be applied there? Just how versatile is this retirement plan of mine really?



  • okay. 
  • But no, having seen the more un-hurried side of life and understanding how it is like in Jakarta, I’m sadden by how Singapore has made man to be. How hard it is to live in Singapore. While I’m not absolutely in love with staying and working in Jakarta, I hope my man has a brain for himself, or at least the finances for himself/us/the family.
  • And since I’m working in Jakarta, possibly for another 1 or 2 years, is it gonna work out?  How is it gonna work out? I think this is my chief worry.


I used to date an Indian and I got all sorts of rejects and disapproval from the mom, and the talks/thoughts about marrying a chinese and just settling down in Singapore.


Hmm.. I reviewed the list, hmm.. these are just transitional problems. Think I shouldnt be overly involved/thinking about them. 🙂 As long as he is the right man, it’ll work out. 🙂 Choices right?


One of the biggest lesson I learnt in 2013 is definitely longsuffering. Still learning actually. Wait… Patiently… and due season it will come, everything will work out on its own in due season. 

But I still believe in going out there to see and be seen. Because this great woman will never be discovered by the great man if this great woman hides in a cave isnt it? 🙂


So dont be shy and wave hi if you see me dating, walking down the streets with a man okay? 😉

😀 Thanks for coming by


Be Bless

Awesome expats

OKay, now I’m going to introduce to you 2 awesome blogs.

They are really awesome.

More awesome than mine.

and when I say its awesome. its awesome.


They are basically my colleagues blogging about their adventure as really an expat.
not the fake expat like me. 😀



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If you are looking for locations and sites in Jakarta to visit, thats their blog. 😀 Mine’s my boring old lifestyle blog. 😀


Go check them.


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Be Bless


I love my IT Department HOD!!!!!!!


This magical device is called “Huawei Mobile Broadband E173”, It is very simple.
So simple that I need to figure out more menus to access the net from my mobile phone.

Screen Shot 2013-10-12 at 9.27.50 AM

thats like the most “wordy” screen of them all..

I can surf the net from home now! 😀

and.. well, while I don’t have a soft toy, I think this Random Doodles’ cushion is fantastic.
and indeed, “We accept the love we think we deserve”.

Check him out on Society 6~


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Be Bless


The adventures of SuperIndo continues…



those are eels.. or catfish. God knows..

😀 Its like a mini Shing Song, yeah well, Shop & Save right. 😀
Although I take photos of them, I have absolutely no idea how to process them.


except the edamame though. YES! They have it like that. and its pretty cheap! *MuAHHahaHAHA

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Lock Out…

I got locked out of my apartment!


Yup, I most gloriously did!

Because I left my Indonesia key pouch in Singapore.
All the keys thats for use in Indonesia…
Including the key that is use to unlock the padlock on the luggage.

Such a big boo boo isn’t it…
Anyway, thank goodness I was scheduled to return the following week and could get the maintenance people to replace my lock.

Had to hand over my identification card for warranty and am so bless that there as a chinese who could speak Bahasa Indonesia to help me translate while I was stuck, waiting at the lobby.

Praise the Lord!



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