Category Archives: Photos

Camera Maintenance Workshop

Went out for Camera Maintenance workshop with Shutter Journey Singapore. The course is conducted by an old time camera pro. πŸ˜€ aka my Godpa! Tony Wong Jensen!

His method of folding the sterile wipes (self-taught).

Plenty of happy moments that got the attendees smiling away.
πŸ™‚ Continue reading

| Central’s Christmas 2010 |

Had the chance to go for the preview of Kayla’s Adventures in Candyland by Central’s “a Whimsical Christmas By The River” thanks to Marcus and Valerie from WOM

Looks like Central is going to be even more interesting this Christmas Season~

Its gonna be photo flood, so please click on over to the Page~

Central’s “a Whimsical Christmas By The River”

Dessert Factory

I Repeat, KAWaiIiIIiIiiiIi
πŸ˜€ It meant Cute. πŸ˜€ moto moto Kawaii nEH! πŸ˜€

πŸ˜€ oki… I like soft toy. πŸ™‚ As in like to hug and look for awhile only. Dont like to keep at home. no space…

Anyway πŸ˜€
All these are taken from Dessert Factory,

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Street Photography

Was looking through my photos when I came upon the “Reuben’s Street Photography” album.
We were out together, he took my camera and started snapping away.

It was me who gave it that title, “Street Photography”.
It was because its simply photos thats taken on and of the streets. *maybe more than just streets.

That made me think, whats “Street Photography”? What defines “Street Photography”?


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